We’re working hard to build a new home for Guernsey boxing, please join us on the journey

Recreational Boxing

All boxers should complete the online Subscription Form and bring to your first session. No booking currently required, just pop along and introduce yourself to one of our coaches.

Session Times:

First Session is Free

  • Thursday

    6:30PM UNTIL 7:15PM *

  • Sunday


  • Friday

    5:15pm until 6:45pm

Benefits of boxing

  • Boxing is a great cross-training sport. It helps improve agility, coordination and endurance while building cardiovascular fitness and strength.

  • Boxing coaches teach children to believe in themselves and build this confidence through training proper technique and mental strategy.

  • Most children who train in boxing tend to have lower, healthier Body Mass Index (BMI) levels than other kids.

  • Boxing is a passion and hobby for many kids and adults alike because of how it provides a constructive outlet to displace negative feelings and escape bad influences.

GABC FB railee youth

What we do

We aim to provide a fun, safe and engaging session teaching the basic stance, guard and punch combinations. The children will enjoy games and drills that are not just fun but teach them key skills in life, such as teamwork and respect.

GABC gym 3

What equipment do you need?


How to Start


Download the Subscription Form


Bring your completed form to your chosen first session

boxing gloves

Frequently asked questions

What can I expect from boxing sessions?2022-09-25T15:07:39+00:00

Boxing techniques, partner work, drills and games.

how long are the sessions?2022-09-25T15:07:49+00:00

11 years and under 50 minutes

12 years and over 60 minutes.

Are your coaches trained?2022-09-25T15:09:38+00:00

All coaches are registered with England Boxing and hold the relevant qualification.  They also hold a current DBS and have completed a first aid and safeguarding course.

Is Boxing violent and can my child get hurt?2022-09-25T15:08:22+00:00

Boxing is kept non-contact until the boxer, the coach and parents have agreed to the progression into sparring.  There’s a lot more to boxing than just punching each other’s face. Please do understand, Boxing is an Art. You’ll have to go through and learn through so much before even stepping into a sparring session. We also do understand that some are not interested to compete, so our coaches will definitely not just throw you into the ring to get punched. Please understand that Boxing can be used as a fitness tool to achieve your goals.

How much do Boxing lessons cost?2022-09-25T15:09:01+00:00

The subscription for under 18 years old is £80 for the year and over 18 years old is £140.

What we do

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