Guernsey’s only Amateur boxing club

Established in Guernsey since 1935, the Guernsey Amalgamated Boxing Club provides a safe place for athletes to learn and progress in the sport of boxing. Affiliated to England Boxing

Guernsey amalgamated boxing club

Our Classes

  • Recreational boxing

    Recreational Boxing

    Our mini session. Fun games and basic techniques are taught.

  • 8-11 years

    8-11 Years

    Our mini session. Fun games and basic techniques are taught.

  • 12-17 years

    12-17 Years

    Junior Session. Basic techniques and drills are taught progressing to sparring, however this is not required of all juniors.

  • 18+ years

    18+ years

    Senior Session. It is the expectation that senior boxers will progress to become a carded boxer, meaning that they will compete at amateur level.


The Amalgamated Boxing Club has been based at its St. Martin’s home for nearly nine decades. After all this time the building is definitely showing its age and we’ve been advised that a total rebuild would be the best option.

Discover our plans and how you can help.

  • Night aerial exterior image
  • Mezzanine interior image four
  • Interior image two
  • Ground exterior image



  • Joe Joyce pay’s the club a visit

    Published On: November 15th, 2022

    There was a very pleasant surprise for everyone coaching and training at the [...]

  • Billy le poullain heads to the 2022 commonwealth games

    Billy Le Poullain heads to the 2022 Commonwealth Games

    Published On: February 14th, 2018

    Billy Le Poullain heads to the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham to represent Guernsey. [...]

Our Location

Guernsey Amalgamated Boxing Club

The club is situated in St Martin. As you head up the Val des Terres and along Fort Road, travel through St Martin’s village and just after the zebra crossing turn left into Route des Couture. Go pass the school and the club is on your left.

Parking for st martin boxing club is available at the school or in at the boxing club.